D00M fusionne avec Burning Napalm

Just a moment ago, Vince Draken, CEO of Northern Coalition made the announcement his corp, D00M., is merging with Burning Napalm.

From: Vince Draken

Sent: 2014.12.05 21:29

To: Northern Coalition.,Good Evening D00M.It is with regreat over the last few months it has come to be more evident that we as a corp do not have the leadership activity to properly run D00M. in the way it needs to be. Eve is a social game and we feel that we are at a point that things need to change. It has been a great run over the years but the time has come to put the horse out to pasture. D00M. will be going into hibernation and active members are being merged into Sm3ll. If you have any questions mail me (quesa).I will be following you all over to SM3LL so i hope everyone thats stuck by me for the past 5 years leading this corp will understand why im doing this.My attention needs to be on the Alliance i dont have time for both nothing will change over there other than its Whites name above the door and he and his team will provide you all with a better online experience. S’il vous plaît assurez-vous que vous faites attention dans le transfert de corps et rappelez-vous que vous N’AVEZ PAS besoin de quitter le corps pour le faire une fois que vos rôles sont partis juste appliquer à SM3LL.D00M ne quittera pas NC. et pour l’instant restera en hibernation et utilisé pour d’autres tâches.


D00M. a été formé en 2005 par un joueur appelé Darknesss que nous connaissons grâce à ses services tiers. Des années plus tard, Vince Draken a pris le relais et a formé Northern Coalition. Consultez cette page pour plus d’informations sur NCDOT et DOOM.

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